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It'll be hard for anyone to convince me: the team behind Rainbow Six Siege is one of the worst I have ever seen.

I want to love this game so bad. I really do. I love the concept. It's unique and you can't get the same experience from any other game. But I simply can't remember a time where I wasn't plagued by constant, game-breaking bugs. It is what has caused me to go in and out of this game for 3 years.

I understand, to an extent, that the devs work hard. But there are bugs in the game that have been in there for years. Without AND WITH acknowledgment.

Want proof? Here's a reddit thread from a year ago that shows the exact bug I am currently having in this game: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/co..._no_footsteps/

Okay, so maybe a year isn't that bad. To me, that's unacceptable. But maybe a year isn't bad to you. But here is a steam thread that was...guess it...posted FOUR YEARS AGO: https://steamcommunity.com/app/35955...8447818151041/

And you know what makes it worse? Ubisoft developers directly responded to this thread. The developers acknowledged the existence of this bug, and did nothing. It has been in the game for four years.

Here's other links of the same bug being reported, yet the developers did nothing:

1 Year Ago: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/...4017d36?auth=1

2 Years Ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/co...ch_how_to_fix/

1 Year Ago: https://steamcommunity.com/app/35955...8469766992882/

2 Years Ago: https://steamcommunity.com/app/35955...3613863377190/

And a youtube video from three years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--Qn8a7RTcM

What the **** is going on Ubi?

This is just one of many examples of bugs that have been plaguing this game since release. I don't know whether it's the design of the game, but this game seems to always have bugs. It's why I always end up returning to CS:GO - Valve has perfected the competitive FPS genre. It's clean. It's sharp. And most importantly: it's not known for having bugs. When I look at Rainbow Six Siege this is what I see: a game where you have to compromise and accept it's flaws to love it. Perhaps that isn't such a bad thing, but the performance of the developers is truly affecting my experience to where, many times, I wish I never bought the game in the first place. And that is a fatal mistake made by the RSS team.
about 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Hey there! For audio bugs, please see this thread for assistance. Thanks!