Originally Posted by xcel30
Well while unbalanced i do find those maps waaay more unique and interest, the new reworked maps sometimes feel too artificial for the sake of balance and add lots of extra rooms that are uneeded or are never really used in gunfights that feel like filler to make you waste more time running from point A to point B, which is what i hate the most in reworked hereford, it feels too stale where points of good cover are obvious so gunfights become just the usual people trying to peek the other doing dances instead of pushes and clearing rooms.
They do fix some troublesome spots, but at the same time you gotta ask yourself why does everyone feel that every map after a certain point feels the same and is disliked
What specifically makes them feel artificial almost? The addition of smaller rooms specifically?
Originally Posted by Nick Witucki
Yes, House sized would be perfect.
I normally like larger maps within most FPSs, but with Siege I do tend to lean more towards smaller maps. They are easier to learn of course. But larger maps often have more personality in my opinion. But thank you for explaining!