Original Post — Direct link
Ive been playing this game since 2015 after it came out. I have played the game in three different locations (my house, college dorm, and college affiliated apartments) and played it on three different ISPs (two at my house, one at my college dorm and apartments, they both use the same ISP as far as I know). I have never not had the yellow or even red connection symbol. The best part? Theres nothing you can do about it! You cant even change your servers anymore after Ubi took that out in 2019 for whatever reason. You cant analyze your network route or packet loss or anything and try to resolve the issue. You just have to live with it.

And for the most part, I dont believe this is an internet thing. My friends in different parts of town and even different states, who have even moved at various times, and are on different ISPs, all suffer the same problem. This isnt a regional problem either. People from all over the US, in different locations, with different ISPs, and even different hardware all have the same issues. Whats the common factor here?
almost 4 years ago - UbiKoality - Direct link
Hello! First, I apologize for any inconvenience or annoyance that may have been caused by the online services for Rainbow Six Siege. Changing the datacenters for Siege on consoles was possible at one point, like you mentioned, but it was actually an unintended feature caused by a bug -- hence why it was removed. As for the issues you've noticed while connected in your dorms or college affiliated apartments, this support article goes over why someone on a campus (for example) may potentially run into connection problems in-game. Following up with that article, you can find the ports for Siege here.

Additionally, it would be great to complete our connectivity troubleshooting guide in full while connected at your house since you have control over that network and do not have to worry about potential external admins or other restrictions. Ultimately, our team at support.ubi.com can always help investigate these situations further with you to help improve your gameplay experience. I apologize once again for any inconvenience caused, and thank you for your continued patience and understanding!