Original Post — Direct link
From this month's Mount Skin:

"Mount Cosmetic Skin

On the 31st of Oleidus, the traditional Verran holiday known as Demontide, The Unseen Order conducts an annual ceremony they call The Collection, at the stroke of middle night. Any members of the sect who possess a Collector’s Touch glove gather to conduct a blood-crazed invocation and summoning ritual. A torchlit forest clearing is filled with a cacophony of maniacal, disembodied laughter, and the grinding, rumbling, and snapping of bones. Limbs and body parts from an untold variety of creatures animate and combine, forming the shambling, undead abominations known as Sacrificial Remnants. These large, many-headed beasts drag themselves about on their hands and knees, scraping the ground with their oversized knuckle bones, as they faithfully obey the orders of the cult leaders.

So, the Halloween Event is called "Demontide", and it's in the month of "Oleidus".
over 5 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
We haven't announced an official date. When we do, you'll see it on our website and social media channels!

Ghastly greetings, Miners!
It's that spoooooky time of year again, and someone has once again dressed up the Spacerig to get us all in a gruesome mood. This year we felt a bit demonic, and the free Halloween Headwear is of course styled to match: Allow us to introduce the Horned Horror!

As always, the seasonal event's cosmetic items are limited to be claimed while the event is live (it ends on the 4th of November), though Management does reserve the right to just give them out at later point.

ROADMAP UPDATE WHEN? Update 32 took a while longer to get out of the door than we initially expected, but work is now properly underway for Update 33. And with that, we need a proper roadmap update soon. We'll need a bit of time to get our plans in order, and then we'll do another of our regular Roadmap Update posts where we can a bit more into detail for you. We're expecting this to happen just after the end of Halloween, so sometime towards the end of next week.

Until then, Rock and Stone, Miners!

with love
- the Ghost Ship crew

--- PATCH NOTES ----
  • New headware available: Horned Horror
  • Increased chance of encountering Haunted Cave Mutator
  • The Spacerig dressed up for Halloween
  • Planet Hoxxes got infected by Pumpkins

- Pumpkins in the caves are too numerous. We aim to fix this in the next hot fix.
over 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link

Maaybbeeeeee this could be a Q&A question :)

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