over 1 year ago - UbiMark - Direct link
Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out! I'm afraid that we're only able to provide support in English on these forums. Would you be able to translate your issue for me, in order for me to assist you further?

Alternatively, if you'd like to receive support in your native language, you're welcome to contact us[support.ubi.com] on our website regarding the issue. Thank you!

- Ubisoft Support
over 1 year ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Hey guys,

Thank you for reaching out!

At the moment, we can only support in English, French and German here.

Could you please translate your post into one of those languages so we can see how we can best help?

Otherwise, you're more than welcome to open a ticket through our Support Site[ubi.li] and an agent will get back to you in your preferred language.

Thank you!

- Ubisoft Support