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i can only get a cap of 38 renown from a t hunt or training grounds no matter if i win or lose but when im with other people i get like 144 renown every time
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by Godpossiblyfat
i can only get a cap of 38 renown from a t hunt or training grounds no matter if i win or lose but when im with other people i get like 144 renown every time
Hello there,

There are many factors that are taken into consideration at the calculation or MMR gained / lost.

One of these is the skill difference between teams, if you're playing solo, you'll be grouped with those closer to your own single level, resulting in far less differences between you all.

As a team, if you're all of different skill levels, this will be taken into the account for the matchmaking. If your team has resulted in the opposing team having people of a higher level and you then win, it's probably you'll earn more MMR than normal.

You can read more detail on MMR and how it works here.

If there's anything else we can help with, please let us know, thank you!