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This game has turned in a pre pubescent cesspool. People intentionally throwing games, team killing, running into your line of fire to cause you to get a penalty, vote to kick abuse, and then they bring there friends along so they can do it to. This needs to stop, these people need to be removed from play. They are ruining this game a game that to be honest isn't really that good anymore. But yet it has turned in the COD of "tactical shooters". Whats being done? nothing oh they get a little red marker that means nothing because they will just wait and do it again next game.

You need to implement a system that damages the toxic player not the honest players the people who just want to play and be left alone. But these *** holes do nothing but ruin it for everyone else, and when you address it, you get the little kid who screams at you are some teenager who runs there mouth because they know nothing is going to be done about it, if you report it does nothing those people are still around. The report bs is just to make people feel like their doing something but in all reality these people stay in the game. They are not being punished.
about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by KillaAkuma
This game has turned in a pre pubescent cesspool. People intentionally throwing games, team killing, running into your line of fire to cause you to get a penalty, vote to kick abuse, and then they bring there friends along so they can do it to. This needs to stop, these people need to be removed from play. They are ruining this game a game that to be honest isn't really that good anymore. But yet it has turned in the COD of "tactical shooters". Whats being done? nothing oh they get a little red marker that means nothing because they will just wait and do it again next game.

You need to implement a system that damages the toxic player not the honest players the people who just want to play and be left alone. But these *** holes do nothing but ruin it for everyone else, and when you address it, you get the little kid who screams at you are some teenager who runs there mouth because they know nothing is going to be done about it, if you report it does nothing those people are still around. The report bs is just to make people feel like their doing something but in all reality these people stay in the game. They are not being punished.
This sounds a lot like our upcoming reputation system! We don't have a set timeline on when it'll come out, but the system will punish negative behaviors and reward positive behaviors, as you've proposed!
about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by WBBCoop
Do you have a link describing this?! Sounds like a good idea, and one thats been brought up before!

Looking forward to this rep system..
We haven't really released a lot of information about it, but it's definitely in the works and is planned for this year.
about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by WBBCoop
Thanks for the link mate!

.. but you're right..not much to speak of.

Can you at least say if this rep system will be underlying..or will it be based on player contributions? I already assume that there is a hidden rep system..but having players involved would be very cool!
Unfortunately I don't have any further insight right now, but I definitely hope so!