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every game i play in R6 i get frozen for like 15secs and get disconnected and i get this message Failure error code: [2-0x0000C015]  its been happening for 2 months tried every fix on earth still happening Also this is not from my network. It happens to a lot of people i found out on reddit please someone help.

over 1 year ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @Buff-Blitz

I haven't seen that particular error code myself before but I found this report about it here where the player mentioned that they had no issues previously, but after installing a 5th hard drive they discovered that the game would sometimes crash randomly while playing and giving them that error code. The player determined it was due to their PC relegating power from the least necessary components (which in their case, was the GPU.) and after they removed some of their unnecessary drives they have since not experienced the problem. Maybe this will help you out too.