Original Post — Direct link
Hello I was false banned I do not like this as I payed to play the game not get banned. I do not hack on siege I haven't for the time I played it. I contacted my friends at once and they had the same issue but a while back ago he said his account is banned and he does not know why. Please help me I would never hack on siege as I loved it I bought it and I already put a lot of hours into it. Please help me I did not hack and I don't know how to proof it. I did not hack but please contact me back about this as fast as possible I was hoping to play siege for my winter break but i did not expect this to happened I didn't even hack. This same thing happened to my friend his user name is papercutzhurts.
over 3 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Hey StopTryHardin, thanks for reaching out, welcome to forums and apologies about the delayed response from our team.

If you would like to appeal your suspension, you are more than welcome to do so, therefore in order to proceed, can I ask you to reach out to us via one of the following channels, as it's the matter that we can only discuss with the owner of the account:

1. Support website
2. Facebook
3. Twitter

As for your friend, please advise him/her to do the same.

Should you have any further questions, let us know!