Original Post — Direct link

I'm SenVale, I stream everyday in Rainbow Six Siege, and I was banned for cheating. Obviously I don't cheat I stream every single day but was banned. My account name is 'SenVale' and I don't know where to go to talk to a human and not an automated system. I am a full-time creator and I want to resolve this because I mainly stream Siege! Thanks for any help I can get.

I assume this is a stat ban because I started playing Warden and that mpx with a 1.5x scope gives you a TON of headshots haha! Please help!

about 1 year ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @SenVale

We've got a support article describing how to appeal a permanent ban, linked here.

We're unable to assist with bans over public channels and have a dedicated team that will have to look into each ban appeal we receive so it does sometimes take some time, but you will get a response to a support ticket to let you know when it has been looked at and what the outcome is.