about 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by MeatSilencerSHF
It didn't work, it only happens when I'm in game. In the first drone fase the sound is good, only when i exit my drone my sound is bugged for the whole game
Thank you for getting back to us, it certainly is a strange issue.

Would it be possible to provide a video of the issue, to help present it?

- Can you please confirm if this only happens in Ranked, or if it happens in every gamemode?
- How long has this issue been affecting you for?

Do you have any friends or family members that also play the game? If so, would they be able to try on the same PC to see if they get affected by the issue?

You have tried reinstalling the game, updating drivers and disabling background applications. We need to continue to ask questions and try new ideas to help narrow your issue down further.

Thank you!