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Good day dear Ubi support,

There's one bug that no one uses it 'cuz not really a big thing but now that Ubi updated the barricades and this is still in I'm kinda annoyed. Simply you can enter in a barricaded window/door if you punch one hole in the side and melee again but on the doorframe. I still have to melee twice to be able to enter, but it is significantly more silent. I'll send you a small clip about it.

I'll add the youtube link down below.

Have a good day,

Shmentai_Dude (Chris)
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Hey Shmentai_Dude,

Thanks for reaching out to us and bringing this up!

As it stands, barricade can be fully destroyed with 3 hits, or you can hit it twice and then leap through which will break the remainder of the barricade.

In the video footage you've provided, it appears that depending on where you're aiming whilst hitting barricade for the second time, there are no visual changes for it, therefore before we bring this to our team, I would like to kindly clarify a few points with you:

- Does this happen with every map?
- Does this happen with every barricade?
- Can any operator do this?
- Is this easy to reproduce, or does it sometimes not work?

Let us know!
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Thanks for your response Shmentai_Dude!

I can confirm that details of the issue has now been forwarded to our game team for further review.

I appreciate your communication regarding the matter and apologies about any inconvenience this may be causing in the meantime.

Should you have any questions, let us know!