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Just a little disclaimer; we did do an internet check, modem inspection, console, wired/wireless tests and checked the statuses of Xbox live and Ubisofts servers

My issue is
-why am I getting banned from siege when I am being ddos'd?
-why aren't the ubisoft staff unable to reverse a ban?
-am I going to be compensated? because I haven't been able to play for a month (combined)
-the automatic ban system NEEDS to be looked at

I haven't had a legitimate game in so long I don't even remember, the amount of people using lag switching in ranked and quick match is grotesque, I rarely see a chill player at all, I'm only in games with cowards who need to set my wholes team's ping to 600+ and kick us all out of a ranked match.
Currently we are getting penalized for these ddos attacks. I was kicked from a ranked game 45 minutes ago and now I have to wait 2 whole freaking weeks! 2 week ban for getting ddos'd and a ubisoft representative said and I quote

"I am deeply sorry, but we cannot remove a penalty once it has been set on a player. I'm sorry that you got Ddosed there is nothing we can do but wait until the ban is up."

Hate to say it but, I'm going to stop playing at this rate, I'm one step away from permanent ban
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link
Hello Squiggly_Apex,

I am very sorry to hear of your experiences with DDOS / DOS attacks in Rainbow Six Siege on console.

We are actively taking steps to address these issues, which you can read about in our blog here. I would encourage you to give it a read, and see if it addresses some of your concerns, in particular with regard to abandonment sanctions, as that is a noted "next step" we are addressing.

With regard to such temporary sanctions for the moment, though - as you have been previously advised, Ubisoft Support staff (such as myself) cannot remove, shorten or appeal these. They are automatically assigned by the game and are in the interests of fairness, i.e. all players who abandon a match receive an abandonment sanction if they do not rejoin, regardless of whether it is a disconnection or manual abandonment, as there is no way for the system to tell why a player has dropped out, only that they are no longer in the match.

I would encourage you to share any further thoughts or feedback you may have here, as we are keen to listen to our players and improve the gameplay experiences we offer. Thank you.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Swaggins - Direct link
Hey Squiggly_Apex,

Thanks for the feedback regarding this.

I have passed it onto the team for consideration.