BALANCING MATRIX AND TOP OPERATOR BANS WIN DELTA VS. PRESENCE Please note that we are using presence to gauge the popularity of an Operator. This notion had to be introduced to reflect the implementation of the pick & ban.
Presence definition: pick rate of an Operator when not banned. Win Delta: The Win Delta is aggregated from Operator’s Win Deltas per Bomb Site. OPERATOR BAN RATE
- Logic bomb now affects defenders in Support Mode.
- Population targeted by this change: All.
This change is meant to curb the advantage of eliminated or Joining-in-progress defenders sitting on cams, particularly at bomb sites. Dokkaebi can now more reliably create openings in the defenders' network for diffuser plants and other strategies.
- Armor Vests grant withstand.
- Population targeted by this change: All.
The impact of Armor Vests are difficult to measure in most encounters. To make them more interesting to use and useful in tough situations we've added the withstand ability.
- Each projectile heals 200 hp (from 40)
- Add Balif as 3rd Secondary
- Population targeted by this change: Casual.
The effectiveness of Doc's healing ability suffers greatly from the newly enhanced functionality of Rook's armor plates. So, it's been increased to better match the skill required to hit friendly allies with healing projectiles.
- Add M45 Meusoc
- Population targeted by this change: All.
We wanted to add a weapon choice for Castle's 3rd weapon slot.
- Increase damage to 135 (from 127)
- Population targeted by this change: All.
To provide a counter for Rook's new utility we've increased Kali's damage output.
- Increase maximum ammo to 121 (from 71)
- Population targeted by this change: All.
Ammo has been increased in order to make the TCSG 12 a more attractive option.
- Increase maximum ammo to 121 (from 71)
- Population targeted by this change: All.
Ammo has been increased in order to make the TCSG 12 a more attractive option.
- Reduce maximum Overheal to 20hp (from 40)
- Population targeted by this change: All
We hoped to reduce any frustration caused by boosted characters as well as normalizing the limits of Oveheal.
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