BATTLEYE AND DATA BANS With every update we bring our latest BattlEye and Data Ban numbers.
Here are our latest BattEye and Data Ban numbers, including data until the end of August.

CHEATFIXES Throughout Vector Glare we’ve continued to address cheats that are affecting players. Here are some that have been worked on since our last Anti-Cheat Status Update:
- Various Instant kill cheats
- Various Infinite ammo cheats
- Teleport hack
- Self revive cheat
- No clipping cheat
- Frenzy cheat
- Various other cheats
The Anti-Cheat team continues to monitor and address other current cheats, though we will be sharing more on these fixes in a future update.
REPORTING DISCONNECTED PLAYERS With the new season we increase the window of opportunity in terms of reporting! Players who have disconnected from a match session can now be reported.
Available only in Ranked and Unranked playlists.
Disconnected player information will now be persistent through the scoreboard.
All categories of reports are available.
MATCH REPLAY REPORTING We understand that it’s not always possible to report a player during a live match due to disconnections, similar names, or maybe you notice something after the fact while reviewing your matches.
Being able to report players during a match replay is an additional step that we’ve taken to make it easier for the community to give feedback when it comes to suspicious players.
With adding these tools, we hope to continue to provide a stream-lined way for players to report suspicious/toxic individuals.
For the best results please make sure to follow these next steps!
Report Cheaters In-GameIn-game reporting continues to be the best way to get your reports to us. If you’re reporting a cheater on social media, the following can help us to identify and sanction them.
- Clear video or photo proof of the incident
- The offending player’s Username and User ID
- Match ID for any relevant matches
- Date and time of the incident
Think you might have seen a cheater? You can use Match Replay to double check.
Current StateAs of the 31st of August, the grace period for RFF is over. Players who trigger all warnings to correct their behaviour, will be sanctioned.
Penalty LevelsPlayers with a high count of friendly fire offenses will firstly receive a warning. If a player continues to commit friendly fire offenses after a warning has been issued, the RFF Reputation Penalty will be triggered. Players will then have RFF automatically enabled for the next 30 matches.