So me and my Friend usually plays R6 on a daily basis, we would always check any connection issues before jumping into a ranked game. when we played our unranked game (because thats how we checked) he seems to get removed from the match by battleye. and this keeps happening almost every single time. (before this we had the problem also but we fixed it by him inviting me first) he never cheated in any sort of way but he keeps getting removed from the match and when we tried to wait for him to reinstall battleye it seemed it wouldn't budge. his in game settings never had been changed and the only thing that he changed was the server he was playing in. anyone can fix this problem because it is annoying when he leaves mid game just because of battleye removing him from the match.
Hey, BS7RD.-!
Welcome to the forums. I am sorry to hear about the issue your friend has been having with BattlEye. Can you ask them to complete the steps from HERE please.
If the issue persists, it may be worthwhile for them to also compelte our connectivity FAQ here.
If they need further help, please ask them to contact us via our social media channels:
Thank you.