over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Fimmt: Does someone else think that if they added a more complex customisation system this game would be much cooler? I honestly would love to see such a feature on R6, just as in a couple others recent fps titles.

What additional weapon customization options would you like to see home to the game in a future update?
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by iambear.:
Originally posted by Nerd down the street: i think that if you added something like an option for either a quick mag for faster reload or extended mag for more bullets would be cool

This would ruin the balancing system

I think I would have to agree. Any weapon modifications that give a particular player an advantage over another who doesn't have it is a big no-no. I thought OP was referring to barrel size, gun vents, etc.