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1. People like me have bought this game in the very very very early stages, what about compensation? Nothing? That would seem unfair.
2. Even if we got compensation, going free to play would mean that someone can just make a throwaway steam account and create hacks for the game, in it's current state it at least provides money for ubisoft by banning hackers they have to rebuy the game multiple times.

For warframe and other games going free saved them, but for siege, i think it wouldn't save it(if it would even need saving), unless the game was free in CASUAL only or limited to level, or basically any other restriction like that. In overall i would never make the complete game free, that would just hurt business and fair play.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Please note that we currently do not have plans to make R6S an F2P game, but I appreciate you guys sharing your thoughts!
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Originally Posted by The_.Riddler
No plans...?


We love you Morning ... but come on. The Director of the GAME said, "We want that at some point" so it's not exactly being up front with the community to say there are no plans for the game to go F2P when ... in fact ... the game's director and the developers all are actively trying to figure out how to do exactly that. It might not be happening this month or even this year ... but it is an ironclad fact that they do intend to make Siege F2P.

It would be much more accurate to say that the developers are actively pushing to make Siege a F2P game ... but that the change will not happen in the short term.

The good news I hear is that they WANT to make the game F2P ... but that they have to solve the Smurfing problem first. That means ... FINALLY ... the developers and I share a common goal. If they really really want to make the game F2P ... and their only obstacle is the massive Smurfing problem this game has ... well then that means they will only get what they want if I get something I want. I call that a win-win.

Now if there was only some goal the developers have that could only be accomplished by fixing the CHEATING problem then we'd be getting somewhere...
I said we do not have plans for this currently, meaning not in the near future. As it was explained in the article, there are other issues the team would like to tackle first before considering going F2P.