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Hey guys,

Ive made this thread twice before and got low effort replies but ill try again, please actually read this before posting r6.tracker.net or some other website because that literally isnt what im talking about here.

Secondly, if you dont care about this feature, fine, but dont post about how 'I dont need it' or 'you shouldnt want it' this is a personal preference, ive been playing the game for 5 years, and ive wanted it since the start, and I will continue to want it. Many others ive spoken to have also shared a desire for this feature.

What I would like to be able to do, is go to my operator info, and seperate it in a tab system/drop down system, by season or by year.

What im saying is that Ive played the game since shortly after launch, it took a while to get into the game and experiment with operators, but all of these games are obviously included in your operator info.

Meaning my K/D and more importantly my W/L ratio are skewed by my 'old self'. I want to see which operators Im performing with best, I want to see how I have improved with specific operators season or year to year so that I can make a more informed decision about who I feel Im suited to.

I have a bunch of operators I feel like im good at but my stats are so old that they are basically frozen. I dont have the time to play the game that much, so I cant just play 1000 games with an operator until those stats have sort of skewed back.

People constantly post about how K/D dosent matter, or W/L dosent matter, or how I shouldnt care, im not interested in what you think about that. If you arent the same as me, whatever, maybe you dont care, but many people like me are interested in stats and find them a motivation to both improve and a source of enjoyment trying to get good stats with their favorite op. No this dosent mean im the guy that ends up 1v4 on attack and just AFK's to preserve my K/D. But I do enjoy getting that K/D and W/L as high as possible while playing as normal. Its quite simply a motivation for me and I enjoy that aspect.

The current info page is out-dated, there should always be an overall, but its 2020, this game has been out for 5 years, its time that we got some sort of refresh to that tab as part of the overall push towards training modes, and competetive scene. Its part and parcel of personal improvement and its important we are able to see our performance over time.

Im a game dev myself and I know that 'if' this data exists (I assume they also store the date in the databases they have) perhaps not, but im sure that there is a way to display this seperately. If this data exists, its easy as hell. If it dosent exist, then it would be great to do it from now onwards.

Thanks for reading and I hope you sort this out Ubi, its a simple change that will make a big difference to a lot of people in your game!
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Thanks for the suggestion! As someone that really enjoys stats personally, I think it would be cool to be able to reflect back on previous season stats and see the improvement. I believe Overwatch has a similar system with a ton of stats available. As you already know, there are 3rd party websites that offer similar stats, but I do understand the preference for native stats instead.