Original Post — Direct link
Hello I have the problem that in rainbow six my pc is burning.
So I opened the case and near the cpu was so much heat and the graphics card was ice cold while playing ultra quality
I have the specs needed to play the game:
gtx 1660

Thank you in advance
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Hey TurboP0WR,

Thanks for reaching out and I am sorry to hear about the issue you've been having.

This issue has been forwarded up to the development team for further review. However, we have no further information at this time.
If any additional information becomes available, it will be posted here, in our official forums, therefore keep an eye!

In the meantime, there are a few steps we can try in order to resolve this.

A few players reported that the steps listed below have helped them:
Set vsync to 60Hz lock the FPS to 120 OR deactivate Vysnc completely and lock the FPS to 120.
=> Inside R6 menu: Options -> Display -> Refresh Rate
=> Nvidia control panel: Manage 3D settings -> Global Settings -> Vsync -> Force On

Some other applications (like Discord or Team Speak 3) are know to contribute to this increase in the CPU usage. Please try to have them shut down during gameplay.

In addition, you can consult our blog article regarding this subject.

Should you have any questions in the meantime, let us know!