Dear Ubisoft,
I already made a ticket on the Ubisoft Support site, and they sent me here. ticket number is: [edited]
The Rainbow Six Siege is my main and favourite game of all time, I have more than 4000 hours on steam and I spent kinda the same hours outside of the game, on youtube/twitch with Kixstar, CoconutBrah, Rouge 9 and GetFlanked too. I spent a few hundred euros on the game. I bought the game for my brother, my 2 best friends, and for my ex-girlfriend too. I even have an Ela Chibi figurine too. When I was starting it saved my life from a deep depression, so this game means a lot to me. I claimed almost every twitch drop from the last 3 years, even one of the rarest skin on Sledge, the black invitational. But expect one; the S.I. 23 charm from the last day. I ask you dear ubisoft to add to my account, to make my collection full. The picture bellow not even the full twitch collection.
Thank you, one of your number one fan.