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Alright so I'm going to be making this quite long as there is one thing that might have caused this but is very unlikely as it does not break any game rules and was for fun. So I log into Siege today to get a ban notice which is quite surprising being that I'm only level 28 and have about a 1.5 k/d which isn't unlikely or impossible. This was done with prior game skill not smurfing nor cheats. I have disabled the games battleye multiple times changing the launch options on steam and uplay to /belaunch -be which disables batteye for modding purposes. This was for fun since I saw some bigger Youtubers playing siege with stuff like all Ash and all Sledge by using a Hamachi VPN to local host. I thought I would try to do this as well so I started modding. I didn't get far and pretty much only changed game speed and set the amount of bullets I have in my clip to like 99999 just for fun using Cheat Engine then closed siege and turned batteye back on to play some casual's. This was about a week ago and I feel like I have just been scammed out of this game since I don't see this affecting anyone or how siege would even know that I did it since my thought process was if batteye is turned off then I'm just going to mess around. I'm not asking that I demand to be unbanned or something over the top like that just wondering why because I thought that everything I did was allowed.
almost 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
The only way to attempt to be unbanned is to go through the support team and go for a ban appeal.