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Having sound just fail, once a MATCH
Is about average from most people's experience

But today
ROUND there were CRITICAL audio cues that failed to play

Thermite blowing open a wall?
Yeah you arent gonna hear that, despite being just the next room over
Players dropping hatch RIGHT behind me? --> No audio

And yet, for some reason, when Sledge hit something on the OPPOSITE end of the map, I hear it RIGHT next to me?

And lets not even get started on locational audio
about 4 years ago - UbiKoality - Direct link
Hey Mad_Dog8762! I'm extremely sorry to hear about the constant audio problems you have been experiencing in Rainbow Six Siege. Sound is obviously a major component in every game, but in shooters like Siege it is critical to be able to hear what is going on around you. With that being said, have you tried any troubleshooting to see if that corrects this bug? If so, can you please list everything you have tried on your own thus far?