Original Post — Direct link

I have an issue where multiplayer games in siege can lead to my computer powering down (No restart or BSOD). It will happen mid-match, usually 2-3 games into a session. I have played for about a year on PC without these issues, they started about a month ago. I have checked temps and specs, nothing is being unusual. I have played other games, including more intensive games, with no similar events. I am suspecting it is a rogue file of some sort, but can't find anything online that has a similar issue. I have reinstalled the game, and that fixed my issue for about 3 days but then it started happening again. I own the game on steam

Any ideas are welcomed.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Mercury - Direct link

Hello @banana_mango, welcome to the Rainbow 6 Siege discussions! Sorry to hear your PC is shutting down during your sessions. Please make sure to verify your game files and try out this troubleshooting guide, and keep me updated if the issue persists after these are completed. Thank you!