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When playing team deathmatch, very often either me or someone else in game experiences a nonstop shooting glitch. Its only an audio bug so your gun isnt actually shooting nonstop. If your on the recieving end then all you hear is loud nonstop shooting as if it were a full auto gun. Its loud enough to drown out everything else. When your not on the recieving end footsteps and gunshot sounds are not instanciated. You can hear when you walk over a broken object and when you get shot in the head. The muted audio glitch can happen without hearing the nonstop shooting. This happens almost every game for me. If there's a fix please let me know, if it's a game issue, i hope this helps.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SpaceCats - Direct link

@chaotix_g Hey there, and apologies that you're running into this issue. Our teams are aware of this issue, and are investigating. Can you please let me know if this only happens in Deathmatch?

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