over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Hello everyone!

The R6 dev team is aware of the recent increase in DDoS/Lobby Freezing reports. To help the team look further into this issue, please answer the following questions through our support portal. It is important to specify if you suspect a DDoS attack or lobby freezing, as they are two different kinds of issues.
Please note that naming and shaming is against our forum rules. You can read this post for more information on why this is not allowed. Naming and shaming posts will be removed.

For Lobby Freezing:
This typically happens in between rounds and not during actual gameplay. Everyone's ping should appear as normal.
  1. At what point in the match are you stuck? (In between rounds, not during an actual round)
  2. How often do you come across lobby freezers?
  3. Is the lobby freezer targeting you specifically? Or are they freezing the game in order to avoid a loss?
  4. As far as you can tell, was the lobby freezer grouped up?
  5. Along with the name of the suspected lobby freezer, please provide a VOD/clip showcasing this.

For DDoSing:
This usually happens during an actual round. Players will experience some form of lag or disconnect from the match.
  1. Were you disconnected from the match?
  2. Did you experience any kind of rubberbanding?
  3. What was your ping at?
  4. Along with the name of the suspected DDoSer, please provide a VOD/clip showcasing this.

Thank you everyone for your reports so far! We sincerely appreciate the number of details you are providing in your reports.