Original Post — Direct link
Please ban all these f**king hacker hardware + ip. Make them don't play this game anymore, ever. They are to much.... ruining this beautiful game. Also we need kill cam + spectateur mode ( when we are die in soloQ, or when all our squad is diead in squad play, so we can see if a people is actually cheating) And we need report cheat in game.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by PatrickVrauw
Encontrei esse jogador cheatando em normal game
ele é platina 2, lv 44 nick: (Edited for Naming & Shaming)
a mira dele travava na cabeça das pessoas até msm atraves das paredes
n conseguir criar um ticked pq parece q o site da ubi ta bugado entao to fazendo isso, espero q eu tenha resposta,

agradecido: Patrick Vrauw
Olá Patrick,

Infelizmente, este é um fórum somente em inglês, portanto não poderemos fornecer o suporte necessário. No entanto, desde que você encontrou um trapaceiro em seu jogo, entre em contato com a equipe de suporte ao português da Ubisoft para obter mais assistência.
over 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Hey Potato! It can take some time for us to go through stuff, but if the hacker is successfully condoned, then yes (Shoutout to your team for all reporting them btw!)

If action is taken against him, the match MMR will be adjusted to that the match essentially never happened.
over 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally posted by legendary potato.: Thanks for the fast reply , having myself quite a nice evening before this happened .

Glad you're enjoying it across the board, but we definitely understand how frustrating cheaters can be, and are definitely trying to take measures against cheaters. ( reference here[www.ubisoft.com])
about 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Hey there! An in-gme report button will be coming soon. For now, you can submit reports to the support portal with as much detail as possible.
We have passed the feedback about wanting a kill-cam option along, as it would be especially helpful with player reports.
over 2 years ago - Stona - Direct link

Please do not accuse publicly other players.

If you think that someone is breaking game rules, please check the moment on server replay here. If you are still sure he is cheating, please report him via complain functionality on mentioned site. Game Masters will check report and act if necessary.
