As an avid gamer, I know one thing that can get frustrating - finding people to game with.
As this game is very much about communication, it also requires voice comms that do not require the in-game talk.
I have a TeamSpeak 3 server with a few admins and mods assisting.
The TeamSpeak server is available for those who want to game and squad up, in less than a week we have had over 50 people jump on (not including guests that I haven't added). Plenty of returning guys as well.
So far our PEAK time is around 1900 / 2200 GMT
I am aiming to get the TeamSpeak busy so that any time of day/night it will have enough people to squad up.
This TeamSpeak is meant for a mature audience, people who want to squad up and enjoy the perks of this game.
Feel FREE to jump on to this Team Speak and ask your friends too.
ALL I ASK IS: Be mature, respect other squad channels and PLEASE use the Waiting Lobby if you are trying to get a squad.Feel free to poke an Admin / Mod or even a squad that looks like they need a member.
TeamSpeak info: