almost 5 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
I know a lot of people have been asking about Favela reworks, mostly due to the fact that there are a ton of destructible walls. How do you guys feel about it's layout overall?
As for Tower: I know a big complaint has been the attacking spawns and lack of vertical play. How would you guys resolve this?
almost 5 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Originally Posted by Big_Boss_kai
Most of the layout could be acceptable if it wasn't for the 3f packaging site. It's one thing to have sniper nests outside where attackers can just wait for hard breachers to open the site and clean it up, it's another to have only one small set of stairs, making it extremely hard for defenders since attackers can just point their weapons at this exit.
Then again, it's a bit awkward to discuss about these maps since we're only a couple weeks away until the map rotation kicks in and they will be deleted from casual for a long time.
I still think it is a valid time to discuss them anyway, especially since they are in rotation at the moment. Thank you for sharing your input on Favela though!

Originally Posted by SCOTTSON1
Remove favela altogether, the rework would need a massive amount of work and the setting of the map is poor. Plane or house for a rework for ranked are the only ones Iā€™d like to see reworked from the current list. I think a new map would be good...... a casino or hospital has the potential to be decent.
What kind of specific changes would you like to see done to Plane or House?

Originally Posted by SOLIDSOUTHCENTRA
Coming from a Day 1 player I think Plane would be the correct choice. Like somebody else said Fervala should be deleted.
Same question. What specifically do you dislike about Plane? How would you improve the map?