Original Post — Direct link
Oke so i was queing for a game in the playlist road to S.I.
After 20 que.. i abanded to que and tried again to find a game. Then it says that i need to a reconnect to the game i abandoned. wich i can't.

Why do i even need to reconnect to a game i never joined. Probably getting a ban for it.

Dude BUGGY game
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello M_I_N_C_H, sorry to hear about this issue you have been facing.

If you need to wait for a game for longer then 5 minutes, we recommend restarting your game or router to re-establish your connection to the servers.

When players try to re-join a match in progress after never finding a match in a lobby, this is known to sometimes give a abandonment sanction to the player, apologies for this occurrence, we are investigating how to resolve this for players.