about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally posted by modelmaker: you know i REALLY love being put against at least 2 plats every cas match because thats fair.

The reason these things happen is because Quickmatch and unranked have a separate hidden MMR from ranked, and when folks who spend most of their time playing ranked step down to quickmatch, the hidden MMR doesn't really know where to place them based off of the fact that they seldom play and can stick them in some wonky places.
about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally posted by Ph4nt0m:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman:
The reason these things happen is because Quickmatch and unranked have a separate hidden MMR from ranked, and when folks who spend most of their time playing ranked step down to quickmatch, the hidden MMR doesn't really know where to place them based off of the fact that they seldom play and can stick them in some wonky places.

So in some ways, even more experienced players can systematically abuse less experienced players just for changing gamemode? That doesn't sound right

Assuming these more experienced folks regularly play non-ranked modes it shouldn't be an issue, but it seems that that isn't the case all the time. It's something that we are reporting back about due to the frustrations that you're expressing.