Is ubisoft gonna do something about this glitch where defenders can see through barricades if they hit the bottom boards idk if it needs to be frost or something but I just faced a team that did it every round and picked us off as we approached... they can see us but to us it looks like the barricades are still there... its very annoying and to be honest made me quit the game today cause not only did it happen once today but the servers made me play them again... the very next game... and they did it again on a different map... on unranked... and now I have to wait an hour to play again? Cause my team didn't want to surrender? And even then we surrender cause people are exploiting they get more renown and all then us... and if we quit we get punished and they still get more renown... this is ridiculous... they need to come up with a solution and fast... I love the game but I might just hop back on a different game for awhile if this is gonna be heavily exploited...
Hey punkrockhd, thanks for getting in touch!
As of right now, I can confirm that this issue has been indeed brought up to our attention and is currently under review by our development team.
I fully appreciate the frustration this may be causing and can assure you that we will do our best to get the matter resolved as soon as possible.
Once there will be further information, details will be posted here, in our official forums, so keep an eye.