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I just thought of writing this as it happened to a teammate recently and it's actually annoying if/when it happens to any of us. I understand that everyone has to be careful but spawn peek really kills the enjoyment of the game. Everyone can spawn peek if they want to but where is the enjoyment in that?

You know that red barrier that appears during the preparation phase? Maybe not everyone will agree with me but I do believe the only way to get rid of this problem once and for all is to maintain the surrounding barrier for around 7 seconds after the preparation phase, let it block every bullet heading out. After that 7 seconds, let the defenders do as they please. I am as confident no one will be complaining again.

I don't actually want this but I think it's needed as a lot of defenders keep spawn peeking. It's an enjoyment killer. I don't know why people are so thirsty to get an early kill.

Do tell your thoughts or suggestions.

EDIT: Title was supposed to be be Spawn Peek Solution / Suggestion... lol.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Fixed the title for you!
Spawnpeeking is an ongoing topic the team has been monitoring. I know the team has made some slight adjustments to maps to help correct spawnpeek locations the team deemed as unbalanced. I think having an understanding of where the common spawnpeeks are is necessary to play at a high skill level, since they may be used more often. Most maps have several ways to counter these spawnpeeks, like choosing a different place to spawn.

As bee mentioned, some spawnpeeks don't require you to actually do a runout to do it. While your suggestion helps mitigate a few on certain maps, it isn't a complete answer to help resolve all of the angles.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by Slyrr7
Any/all spawn peeking issues could be fixed by UBI with minor alterations to the pre-existing maps. If they wanted to. Once again, Siege is like a super-duper sports car, with a busted engine. It just sits uselessly in the garage. And UBI won't hire any real mechanics to pop open the hood and fix the engine, because they're too lazy and cheap to do any hard work. All they ever do is wax and polish the car so it looks shiny and glossy, and keep expecting us to pay money so we can look at it. But it's still just a useless lump with a broken engine.
The dev team has made a few changes to certain maps with high and easy spawn peeking areas. Take Border, for example, that tank run out/spawn peek is next to impossible now due to that gate that's there now. There have also been tweaks to the Consulate, and most recently House, but since that map is still in the testing phase, there may be more slight tweaks along the way.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by Luckydevil_010
Except consolate still has the best low risk/high reward runouts, border still has that window peak that gets tree coverage for the defender(which i have to put 2 bullets thru every spawn because i dont know if someone is there or not). Lets not mention bank has very little risk for peaks or runouts. Most of these dont even need reworks just add a car or two.
Oh, I totally agree, and that's what they've slowly been doing to help combat spawn peeking. You'll have a car added here, some foliage here. The dev team knows how frustrating it is to get picked off within the first 5 seconds of the round. It sucks and it's not fun. I've seen some cool Bank spawn point area tweaks that the community has come up with! Do you have any personal suggestions on how to tweak Alley Access Street spawn points?