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One of the biggest shortcomings the AI has in my opinion is how unresponsive it can be Enemies can get shot several times and be fine without any change to their behaviour. Sometimes they play dead but then get back up as if nothing ever happened (I find this the silliest one) other times you can spray an entire can of pepper spray right into their eyeballs and they will be stunned for a few seconds for they magically recover and dome you with perfect accuracy like nothing happened.

I understand it's an indie game in early access so I will keep this constructive.. I know making games is not easy!

The changes that would significantly improve things would be something like.

Accuracy and movement penalties for injured suspects. If a suspect takes a few shots but survives they might move more slowly , shoot less accurately or perhaps they enter a bleed out state where they slowly lose health. Or perhaps they become unable to walk and instead will shoot from lying down (this is far more believable than playing dead)

If they are incapacitated then they could maybe writhe around a bit

For enemies that are hit with less lethal there needs to be more of a penalty. Pepper spray should seriously effect their vision so they might give up or possibly begin spraying randomly but with less accuracy. The Taser should actually ragdoll enemies so they can be cuffed before they get up. Obviously these items should be situational so enemies with goggles could be resistant to the spray or enemies with thick clothing or vests the taser would not work unless you hit the less armoured parts of them

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about 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by HypeDancingMan

Yeah this is good. We already have plenty of plans. I mean, we just dropped a bunch of major AI changes, i feel like it should be obvious we’re not leaving them out to dry. These things just take a lot of time, but overall good thoughts and our goal is to have a very convincing AI by full release.