

25 Sep


Great work on this. I'm a big fan of maps that take the game's world and expands on it. This also has a nice LA feel to it.

23 Sep


This is really, really sick. Please keep making these!

27 Aug

18 Aug


Originally posted by Aaroqxxz

Maybe they both bought the same asset lmao

All of our guns (especially since EA) have been made internally and we’ve been remaking old models too, we had a few marketplace assets like the launchers but those will also be changed up pretty soon. 


Originally posted by Daniel_Burgermeister

Devs could definitely argue it is for optimization, rendering every round and the spring may be difficult.

They could go the "Counter Strike route" (probably other games as well) and just make it a flat texture that doesn't update, but that would probably bug people more than just a regular opaque magazine (which is possible, just uncommon).

Maybe a flat texture that does update may work well? But that may look terrible from certain angles.

We actually had a prototype for it in UE4 but ran into issues where the transparent mag wouldn’t render very nicely. Lots of ghosting and funny normals.  

No idea how Sandstorm did it but if we can dedicate some spare time to make it look good at all times, we’d add it. Nothing is impossible, it just takes time and obviously we’d also have to create some very specific code to show the bullets disappearing from the mag as it’s spent.

Definitely not lazy, but takes engineering time away from other tasks too. 

07 Aug


Originally posted by X6qPlayer

I think also the face animations got updated as well? I never noticed before that the swat members blink with their eyes. Also dead suspects have a random look on their face which sometimes looks pretty creepy realistic.

We added lip sync to many characters, and eye tracking. :)

02 Aug


Originally posted by deletable666

I think Void is trying to fix some of their inadequacies which is commendable. Updates are coming quickly and communication is better. Maybe project management practices have changed.

I wrote a little note for this week, and yeah we’ve been working on our overall process really hard. This is an example of that :)


Originally posted by phyllsdad

It's not terribly hard. Beanbag shotguns and a ton of flashbangs. We had a lot of fun with it.

Glad you had fun! It’s a bit of a quirky achievement 

01 Aug


This is so f*cking cool. Really nice, probably one of my favorite tattoos in the game.

29 Jul


We can definitely look at more graphics settings being exposed. Thanks. :)


Originally posted by TysoPiccaso2

id also love lumen being added as an option, including a hardware raytracing mode too, rather than just software raytracing which seems to be the norm for ue5 games

You cannot just "turn on" Lumen, (well, you can - but it doesnt work exactly like you'd expect) though I'm sure some modders will be doing this if not already. It's definitely cool when enabled, and we're investigating how to allow for people to give Lumen a go while also having regular "baked lighting" for players who don't have supercomputers.

28 Jul


Originally posted by Adventurous_Bell_837

The guy who uploaded this video, in the comments of another video.

Noone who worked on these was fired just fyi. Rumors be rumors. Also these are from our ancient, abysmal PVP that we did way back. 

18 Jul


Originally posted by applemaraca

made me think of the beatles as in-game officers lol

Wild collab ;)

17 Jul


Originally posted by SIC_Mando66

Wait so the guns are free? We’re just paying for the maps right?

Guns are free - maps and cosmetics are paid (minus the balaclavas which are also free). Lobby host only needs DLC for others to play as well.


Originally posted by applemaraca

That actually sounds pretty interesting.

An option when choosing the map in Practice Mode akin to the "Custom Missions" of SWAT 4: You choose the suspects and civilians and how many of em.

I agree with both of you! B-Sides is a cool way of putting it actually haha


Originally posted by Thomastheshankengine

I appreciate the transparency here but it begs the question, if the answer is that it was because it was a lot to QA and bugfix, why did you guys initially say it was to fit the narrative?

Because that is also true, a bomb threat in the gas station by gang members wasn't appropriate either -- but we're a malleable team and open to making adjustments for more fun.


Originally posted by couriersnemesis

I dont really get why they completely removed the maps from the game? (Unless Im blind.) Its just extra content for the players

I haven't really touched on this much before, but we decided to remove the mode selection because it was simply a whole lot of content to QA and bugfix through what was already a really massive update. Maybe some day it'll find its way back. A lot of the team were already pulling some pretty major hours just to ensure the new levels were playable and didn't have too many major issues.

From my recollection however not every new level had variations, though it "hit the spot" for initial early access because we only released with around six levels -- but adding even 2 versions of all 1.0 maps would be a heap of extra work that didn't fit the vision I wanted for the release. Was it the right call? Judging on feedback, it probably was not, but I don't want anyone to think the team removed them out of laziness or as a middle finger to the community.

Bottom line though, is that I'd love to see that as a return once we have less to focus on, especially with regards to desi...

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This is certainly a cool idea, I'd love to bring back a few different things just for fun -- but we'd certainly not charge anyone for it. In my mind, the following levels would be a bit of fun to bring back:

  • Wenderly Hills Hotel (full map, not just broken down)
  • Fast Food (there's a mod that revives it which is pretty great)
  • Meth Apartments (a level one of our former designers made on the side that's really nice to clear out)

We'll see how we go, but I wouldn't expect these any time soon. Even with the old levels, we'd want to bring them up to parity with what we have right now.

26 Jun


Originally posted by nicolas1324563

220 ish


24 May


They’re more of a continuation of the story and expansion of the world building itself :) the DLC won’t be required to be completed to get all the base game achievements and stuff.