over 6 years
ago -
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- Battle Pass 1: Primal Awakening has ended.
- Weapons and abilities are now separate options inside the forge.
- Weapons can now go into either weapon slot.
- Movement abilities will now drop in the Common rarity.
- Added new animations for turning while on a mount.
- Sprays and emotes may now be used in the starter zeppelin.
- Solo Queue has been enabled.
- Squad Queue has been enabled for teams of up to 4 players.
- Players will drop their equipped weapons and Abilities when they are eliminated.
- Assault Rifle, Burst Rifle, and Submachine Gun have been removed from the game.
- Normal chests have been removed from the game. All chests will now either be Magic chests or Potion chests.
- Lowered the elevation of Jade Gardens to improve traversing.
- Added big cacti, wagons, and termite mounds in the environment.