over 6 years
ago -
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Back by popular demand, the Primal Awakening Battle Pass has returned!
Battle Pass 1 will remain online for players to continue unlocking content through playing Realm Royale. We want to ensure that players have fun goals to achieve while the team continues to work on Battle Pass 2!
For those players who used Crowns to purchase their way through the Battle Pass between September 7 - 27, the Crowns you used will be credited back to your account in the coming days. These dates coincide with the first announcement of the Primal Awakening Battle Pass’ end date, September 7th, and the date Battle Pass was turned off with the Early Access 10 Patch, on September 27th.
Looking for more information on Battle Pass 1: Primal Awakening? Visit our webpage[www.realmroyale.com]!