over 5 years
ago -
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- The Eternal Conflict Battle Pass
- A new Battle Pass has arrived in Realm Royale! Divine and infernal beings clash in the battlefield bringing new angel and demon cosmetics
- Progress through 50 levels of unlockable content, featuring skins for each Class, two Chickens, and three Mounts
- Learn more about the Eternal Conflict Battle Pass on our website[realmroyale.com]
- New Ability: Skull of Chaos
- Throws a fiery skull that bounces off of enemies and the environment
- New aggressive Class-neutral damage Ability
- Play Screen Update
- The Play screen has been entirely reworked
- Select your Class for your next match
- See your entire team’s character skins, or switch to a Chicken
- Use your Emotes for you and your friends to see
- Customize your Talents and cosmetics directly from the Play screen
- Queue by clicking “Select Queue,” then selecting your preferred game mode. From the Play screen, you’ll then be able to click “Play” and dive in
- The Play screen has been entirely reworked
- Ranks have been reset for all queues
- Ranks will be reset with each future Battle Pass
- Beginning with the next Battle Pass (Battle Pass 5), a rewards system will be implemented based on players’ ranks
- Balance
- Proximity Trap
- Activation time after deploying a mine has been reduced
- Shredder
- Shredders will no longer deal headshot damage
- Time between each shot in a 3-round burst has been slightly reduced
- Lifesteal Rune
- Lifesteal bonus has been reduced from 30% to 15%
- Passive Repair Rune
- Passive Armor repair will deactivate for 5s after taking damage
- Armor Potions
- Increased the drop rate for Armor Potions from potion chests
- All players will drop at least 1 Armor Potion when they are eliminated, even if they had none in their inventory
- Proximity Trap
- Console players will now be able to invite other players by name on the Social tab, regardless of their platform
- New Damage Number Display: Combined
- Adds all damage dealt within a short period of time into one combined value
- This setting can be changed in the Gameplay Options in the new Damage Number Type setting, which has the Combined type and the pre-existing Per Hit option
- When dealing damage to players, Armor and Health values will now be separated from one another, giving a more clear indicator of how much damage was dealt to each
- Further improvements to issues where shadows were visible through walls
- Fixed an issue where players would not produce footsteps
- Fixed an issue where Soul Gust would not go through Catapults
- Addressed some issues of uneven terrain on the cliffs above Fungal Jungle
- Fixed an issue causing the Tutorial to crash
- Fixed some animation issues with certain emotes
- Fixed some environmental issues with foliage appearing indoors
- Fixed an issue where Proximity Trap would float in the air if it hit an enemy player
- Fixed an issue where players would occasionally not see “Now Entering” text for all points of interest
- Fixed an issue that would cause the Fire Bomb to persist too long without exploding
- Fixed an issue that would occasionally show an opened chest as unopened to players
- Fixed an issue where a small portion of window-vaulting audio would be audible for teammates regardless of distance
- Fog damage will no longer bypass armor during an immunity effect and will properly damage armor first
- Fixed an issue where a spectated player's Runes would show Runes that the player does not have
- Fixed an issue where the skydiving sound effect would get stuck on a resurrected player
- Vaulting improvements
- Fixed an issue where upon vaulting, the client would play the animation to go through the window, and then snap back.
- Fixed an issue where upon vaulting, the client would not play the animation to go through the window, and then snap through it.
- Fixed an issue where players who returned from being chickened while vaulting could get stuck in a weird physics state
- Fixed an issue where the Loot Goblin would not drop loot when eliminated
- KNOWN ISSUE: If the goblin is eliminated in mid-air, his animations will stop and he will be stuck in air for a few seconds