almost 6 years
ago -
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Realm Royale is teaming up with Twitch Prime to bring you the exclusive Mittens Chicken Skin! Players with an active Twitch Prime subscription will be able to claim the Mittens Chicken skin free for a limited time!
1. Create a Twitch Prime account:
- Sign up for a Twitch Prime account[] and enjoy a 30-day free trial!
2. Link your Twitch account and Hi-Rez account:
- Head over to our website and link your accounts here[].
- You will also need to link your Steam, Discord, Microsoft and/or Sony account with your Hi-Rez account.
3. Claim your free Twitch Prime loot:
- Navigate to the top right of Twitch[] and click the white crown icon. Scroll until you find the Desert Dragon SMITE Bundle, and claim your loot! The Mittens Kittens skin for Realm Royale is included with this offer.
Please note that players can expect 1 Chicken from claiming this bundle. The grey/blue version is the friendly version of the skin and the tiger striped version is the enemy version of the same skin.
In the instance that you experience an issue with claiming the Mittens Skin, please do not unlink your platform accounts from your Hi-Rez account, as this can result in loss of your account. Instead, please submit a support ticket[] so they can take a look at your account.