almost 6 years
ago -
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Introducing a brand new bundle to Realm Royale: The Starter Pack! This bundle, available at a low price, can be found in the in-game Shop and includes:
- Majestic Peabok Chicken
- Cap’n Wissles Emote
- 800 Crowns
Give your Chicken some elegant flair and leave your foes in awe with the Majestic Peabok Chicken. Next, imitate your favorite Zeppelin captain with the Cap’n Wissles Emote; groove along to a whistling tune even after you’ve dove into the Realm! Finally, use your 800 Crowns to purchase awesome new cosmetics like the Ride the Wave Emote from the in-game Shop! Keep an eye on our weekly Shop updates for new content.
The Starter Pack will be available for a limited time, so don’t miss this opportunity to get some awesome cosmetics and Crowns for a low price. Realm Royale is a free to play class-based battle royale: Dive in, mount up, and claim the Crown Royale today!