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Linking your Accounts To link your accounts, follow the prompts you receive for account linking when initially logging in to Realm Royale, or visit and log into your preferred Hi-Rez account. Once logged in, click the “Linked Accounts” button on the left to get a snapshot of all the accounts you have linked. You can link/unlink your Xbox account from this screen by selecting the option under the Xbox logo.
Linked accounts will be automatically merged when Cross-Progression goes live, so there’s no further action required after you have successfully linked your preferred accounts via our website!
Cross-Progression FAQ Which platforms are included in cross-progression? At the current time, Steam, Discord, and Xbox One will have cross-progression for accounts linked to the same Hi-Rez account.
What will be merged when I link my accounts? The following data from all your linked accounts will be merged when Cross-Progression is enabled: Class Experience, Battle Pass experience, and items contained in the Armory.
What will happen to my Crowns after I merge accounts? Crowns owned on PC will only be available to use on that platform. Xbox Crowns will be able to be used across all platforms. Going forward, Crowns purchased on PC will only be available to use on PC, and Crowns purchased on Xbox will be able to be used across all platforms.
How will my friends list work after Cross-Progression is enabled? Players will be free to add other players from any other platform with Cross-Play enabled to their friends list. When Cross-Progression goes live, the friends list from the most active account or primary account will become the default for your newly merged account.
I don't see Realm Royale on my Hi-Rez account on, is it linked? As long as the correct Steam account is linked to your Hi-Rez account, Realm Royale is included. On, Realm Royale's logo is not currently visible, but it should be properly linked.
Can I unlink accounts? Yes. However: If you unlink an account after it has been merged, all progress and purchases will be removed from that account, and it will essentially become a new, level 1 account.
Only one external account per platform can be linked to one Hi-Rez Account. Unlinking your external account will result in a permanent break and you will not be able to link an additional external account from the same platform.
For more information on Cross-Play and Cross-Progression please visit
Linked accounts will be automatically merged when Cross-Progression goes live, so there’s no further action required after you have successfully linked your preferred accounts via our website!
Cross-Progression FAQ Which platforms are included in cross-progression? At the current time, Steam, Discord, and Xbox One will have cross-progression for accounts linked to the same Hi-Rez account.
What will be merged when I link my accounts? The following data from all your linked accounts will be merged when Cross-Progression is enabled: Class Experience, Battle Pass experience, and items contained in the Armory.
What will happen to my Crowns after I merge accounts? Crowns owned on PC will only be available to use on that platform. Xbox Crowns will be able to be used across all platforms. Going forward, Crowns purchased on PC will only be available to use on PC, and Crowns purchased on Xbox will be able to be used across all platforms.
How will my friends list work after Cross-Progression is enabled? Players will be free to add other players from any other platform with Cross-Play enabled to their friends list. When Cross-Progression goes live, the friends list from the most active account or primary account will become the default for your newly merged account.
I don't see Realm Royale on my Hi-Rez account on, is it linked? As long as the correct Steam account is linked to your Hi-Rez account, Realm Royale is included. On, Realm Royale's logo is not currently visible, but it should be properly linked.
Can I unlink accounts? Yes. However: If you unlink an account after it has been merged, all progress and purchases will be removed from that account, and it will essentially become a new, level 1 account.
Only one external account per platform can be linked to one Hi-Rez Account. Unlinking your external account will result in a permanent break and you will not be able to link an additional external account from the same platform.
For more information on Cross-Play and Cross-Progression please visit