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almost 5 years ago - /u/TynanSylvester - Direct link

Originally posted by Trogladonis

Yeah, in the same boat. After a few years I never seem to get anymore quests generating. Hopefully the psy system wasn't changed because I posted my character with over 1k entrophy limit.

I'll have to capture an empire member and see if polaris bloc can still remove amplifiers via "remove implant".

You mean you never see quests generating at all? can you say more? That would be a game-breaking bug.

(Previous poster said they didn't see quest-specific items as rewards).

almost 5 years ago - /u/TynanSylvester - Direct link

Originally posted by fivekatz

-Psychic amplifiers are no longer removable

What a f**king blessing seeing as i just gave everyone in my glittercolony one for shits and giggles, and now they all need to meditate all the time, thanks tynan

They don't need to meditate, you can just let psyfocus fall off. Nothing bad will happen. They only need to meditate if you want them to be able to (safely) use psycasts.

almost 5 years ago - /u/TynanSylvester - Direct link

Originally posted by Trogladonis

I have my suspicions about what it might be. I got alot of assassination requests, which I think, upon looking into them, may be actually added by real ruins. I think that they never went away may have capped out the quest system somehow? Though it happened before in another save around year seven or so. I think it just doesn't like to handle my stubborn ass refusing to leave the planet.

Mods may have broken your system. There are no assassinations in the base game.

almost 5 years ago - /u/TynanSylvester - Direct link

Originally posted by Avder42

Glowy tree neat.

But there are so many changes, asuming most/all of it makes it into the next stable release, that it feels like it should be 1.2 instead. The Psyfocus changes are DRASTIC to say the least, the manhunter pack nerf is just sort of another slap in the face in the vein of "oh you guys found a way to turn a mechanic into an advantage? STOP HAVING FUN RIGHT NOW!" like the mech assembler and mech disassembly nerfs were. They keep limiting our options.

Now with manhunters, there will be little point but to lock the doors and stay inside for two days because there is literally no payoff for facing them if you have the option to not bother with them.

I know I sure as f**k wont be bothering with the next 75 Megasloth manhunter pack that spawns on my map if I won't get a single unit of meat or heavy fur. They can run around outside. I've got 35 days of food stocked up at all times, two days is nothing.

And then what about a newer base? Manhunter packs at that level can be a huge challenge but also provide a nice relief from needing to hunt for food constantly, letting your small colony focus on building, researching, etc until the meat runs out. Now? Face this challenge for no reward or die because you haven't gotten the walls up yet and are too small to possibly have everything you need for two days inside!

Yeah, thanks, no.

Obviously if the manhunter change makes it in, I assume someone will make a mod immediately that reverts it or makes the disease mechanic more interesting like say, no meat decay, but it's a rare disease your own animals can catch and if the disease gets too far ahead of immunity (25% maybe?) they go manhunter. You know, something that might actually make sense since going nuts would be a virus/bacteria/prion that affects the brain and not the whole damn body.

And I will of course install said mod immediately because manhunter packs are immensely enjoyable and I don't think they detract from ranching or hunting at all. I have tons of cows that I keep for milk production, and my relationship with animals since day one has been GET IN MY BELLY, so yeah. Plus without hunting the only way to train shooting is raids....

And another problem is having tons of animals on the map for ranching slows the game down a lot because the game has more pawn actions to figure out, more paths to calculate, etc.

I just think it would not be a good change, at all.

"Now with manhunters, there will be little point but to lock the doors and stay inside for two days because there is literally no payoff for facing them if you have the option to not bother with them."

In brief, the payoff is that you don't need to stay locked inside for 2 days, and you get some meat. Sometimes it might be worth fighting them if you need to get outside quick or need to save someone. Sometimes it might be worth staying inside. It's a tradeoff and a choice. Instead of always doing the same thing, now you can decide between two paths whose cost/benefit changes depending on context.

"manhunter pack nerf is just sort of another slap in the face in the vein of "oh you guys found a way to turn a mechanic into an advantage? STOP HAVING FUN RIGHT NOW!" like the mech assembler and mech disassembly nerfs were. They keep limiting our options."

Surely you can't actually believe that my goal is for you to stop having fun.

As for 'limiting our options', the goal is the exact opposite. No options were removed by either of the changes you mentioned (or at least nobody has ever mentioned one). Instead, there are now more reasons to exercise more options. For example, deep drilling existed but nobody used it because mechs delivered enough steel/plasteel to make it pointless. Now mech fighting and deep drilling are both real parts of the game with real motivation to participate. Same with manhunters and hunting/ranching. You'll be doing *more* things, interacting with *more* systems, not less.

It's a straightforward case of tuning down one overpowered source of resources to make other sources relevant, which amplifies options. This is game design 101-level stuff. Of course it may still be wrong, but the rationale is here.

Speaking more generally --

Don't confuse "getting what you want" with "having fun". These are not the same thing in games or in life in general. You can dev mode in any resource you like in RimWorld. You got what you 'wanted'. Is it more fun? No, because it trivializes the process of striving, learning, progressing, succeeding which is what humans actually find compelling. The purpose of the game is not to succeed, it is to strive. It's just a cognitive illusion that makes people think that the goal is the source of happiness when it's actually the path to the goal that is compelling and engaging.

In order to understand these design decisions you need to stop looking at it from within your goal-focused motivation while you play the game, and start looking at it from the external point of view of a game designer who is working to create a game system that generates interesting choices, varied strategies, and that same goal-motivation.

Obviously I make mistakes and there are reasons to disagree with my decisions but it's a lot more constructive to do it from the point of view of trying to design the game better, not from the point of view of trying to win the game.

almost 5 years ago - /u/TynanSylvester - Direct link

Yes, this is the unstable testing build. If anyone wants to get realtime updates and participate in testing, I hope you'll join us on the unstable testing Discord server!


almost 5 years ago - /u/TynanSylvester - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


EDIT: New account specifically made to sling personal insults and break rules. If you want to talk use your normal account and follow the rules please.

almost 5 years ago - /u/TynanSylvester - Direct link

Originally posted by BriSci

I recently had three manhunter packs in a short period of time. Two naturally occuring and one as the result of a royal quest. Elephants, bears, and panthers. About 50 in each. I didn't need to turn on my turrets or melee block. No one was injured. It's a large (30 colonists), high wealth (over 1M) colony. But my freezer is so full of meat and carcasses that i immediately slaughtered my herd of fifteen yaks, because I will never need their milk now.

So the change makes sense. I am curious how it is implemented. Do all manhunter corpses automatically rot, or is it a percentage chance? Does the chance scale with the size of the pack. I am thinking about the times playing naked brutality when the first event is a manhunting racoon that I have to fight off batehanded or with a poor quality shortbow if I'm lucky.

As for the change where I can no longer strip downed allies of their clothing and kick them out of their hospital bed as soon as they are barely able to walk without taking a relations penalty, unforgivable!

There's a chance for them to rot; it's higher at high difficulties (largely to compensate for the fact that there are more animals at high difficulties, which was one of the original problems - merciless players would get massive meat deliveries but easy mode players got far less, which was entirely backwards).

almost 5 years ago - /u/TynanSylvester - Direct link

Originally posted by KhanOfMilan

Good that you're working on the game so constantly still, you have my respect for hanging in there. I loved the bulk crafting, extravagant clothing, nobility progress, the more realistic sandbags and the new quest system (especially more quests on the map and not the caravanning spam of old RimWorld quests) of the Royalty update. I also agreed with the mech/drill rebalance, and I'll see how I feel about the meat delivery nerf in time.

However, what I really didn't like was making the Empire the enemies of the civil factions, maybe a warning if there are no hostiles for them to fight instead (maybe mention that they are neutral to civil factions if they're on the map too)? Fighting the civil factions if often a conscious choice, and the Rim is rife with factions hostile to each other already. Alternatively maybe a toggle in the game setup for whether they're to be hostile to the civil factions or not?

Also, sorry about the derailing, but could we have an update on the rock types that were changed? Specifically if you want to revert the changed rock types on the maps, or if you'll keep them as they became with the recent update? Here's the links to the relevant threads on the Ludeon forums:

1 and 2.

If it helps I can confirm it happened to my saved game too. While the mountain is still granite/sandstone in my safe, the terrain and thus probably any new game started would be marble/sandstone. I want to know what you're going with so I can be on the lookout for the correct seeds for future games. Also I heard something about it influencing deep drilling, but I'm not that far into the game yet.


I will think about the Empire relations thing.

The rock types should go back to how they were originally. I believe that's on the unstable branch now, you can test and let me know if it doesn't work.

almost 5 years ago - /u/TynanSylvester - Direct link

Originally posted by metasymphony

Thank you for the link, I’ll join the Discord for sure. And seriously thank you for all the continued work on updates and patches. It’s great how you listen to the community but still make your own decisions and surprise us with new content like this, instead of just tweaking some numbers for balance.

Nature shrines needing to be far away from structures really made me rethink base design and defences. My little tribe kept getting their shrine destroyed by raiders, had to build pathways and defensive structures all over the map to intercept raids and prevent this. Makes for a good story and more interesting than just building a box around the whole thing.

Thanks :) I hope you won't be disappointed to find I've actually decided the raiders should be unaware of the nature shrines, it just seemed too difficult to defend them considering the benefit. But hey, anything can change.

almost 5 years ago - /u/TynanSylvester - Direct link

Originally posted by Discandied

I think the man-hunter pack changes were badly needed. I ended up with 100 megasloth corpses in my freezer in my last playthrough, which was ridiculous.

It doesn't solve the problem of them being trivial to defeat from mid-game on, however. Being melee they are trivial when they attack from the edge of the map, once the player has enough concentrated firepower and a perimeter wall. They are, though, one of the most fun events earlier in the game.

One suggestion to make them more interesting: have a hostile faction infect a pack to make them man-hunter then drop-pod them in the middle of your base.

Also, maybe increase the frequency of boomrat packs as they are, in my experience, by far the most difficult to defeat, being fast, hard to shoot and not suitable for fighting hand to hand. Alternatively introduce other animal types which are similarly challenging, for whatever reason.

Yeah, them being so dumb to the slaughter in lategame is a problem. My thought was to make them not actually try to approach, but rather stalk around the map edges and deliberately avoid direct assaults. A bit more of a 'manhunters in the forest' feel. But AI changes like that are really hard to do. There are a lot of AI improvements on the priority queue, they just haven't quite bubbles up yet.

almost 5 years ago - /u/TynanSylvester - Direct link

Originally posted by BorealManager5

Would you consider a low effort corpse clean up solution in light of this change. Standard cremation has a very bad work/gain ratio here especially considering the hauling involved.

A corpse bonfire building. Fast construction requires x wood or chemfuel and 10 any corpse. It would be really cool if it would somehow be possible to have multiple pawns 'deliver to construction' at the same time for this, tough probably not possible.. Bonus points if you add minor bad thought (watched burning corpses -2) and intermediate/major good ones for bloodlust/pyro. Especially pyro, cause.. needs more incentive. Thinking about this, do pyros actually get "'burning' passion for my work" when cremating??

You can make a corpse bonfire, just throw some molotov c*cktails at them :)

But yeah, I may speed up cremation.

You can of course just haul them away to a random pile somewhere and leave them to deteriorate to nothing.

do pyros actually get "'burning' passion for my work" when cremating??

No, but that would be great. I'd probably make it a different thought for clarity.

almost 5 years ago - /u/TynanSylvester - Direct link

Originally posted by Avder42

Interesting. In every post I'd seen up to this point there was no mention of a percentage chance of meat rotting, it was just corpses turning rotten and thats it. I still don't like the changes, but reading that the percentage chance is different based on difficulty is at least heartening. A way to negate the rotting through something like a launcher, grenade , or mortar shell that spreads either a cure for the disease or just prevents rotting would be something I'd suggest for vanilla.

And as for deep drilling, since I don't play on savage/merciless, my main sources of plasteel have been deep drilling and the long range mineral scanner. Jade is also a long range scanner resource. Gold I typically get enough of from quest rewards and trading and the deep drills. One mod I would suggest you consider integrating into the base game is deep ore identification so that when the deep ores are visible, hovering over them shows exactly what mineral is under that square.

Even if i disagree with you on some decisions (well, that's what mods are for I guess!) I very much am grateful to see you fully engaging with everyone here. And thank you for making this game, it has provided me with a much needed "Played Rimworld All Night +30" mood buff during this coronavirus insanity, countering the cabin fever I've gotten.

You can actually technically negate the scaria effect; if you down the animal and then cure it (the operation is cheap), it might join you or it might not. In either case you can safely slaughter it for meat then.

I intend to make deep resources more readable. I haven't seen the mod you mentioned specifically but it's something that's pretty obviously needed.

I appreciate the healthy engagement! Cheers.