Rogue Company

Rogue Company Dev Tracker

23 Dec


We appreciate you reporting this and it has now been reviewed. Please continue to use the in game Report option as it does help us move on these faster.

22 Dec


If you have further information (video, match ID, player name, etc..) we'd love to review this. While it is very challenging to monitor so many voice channels, we do not tolerate hate speech in the game and when we have evidence action is taken.


Originally posted by Van1shed_Gaming

I literally had back to back games like this! One guy threw then left the first round while another guy went AFK. Couldn't surrender cause the other guy decided not to vote. The next match teammate spent the whole game looking at the sky. It just leaves me asking why every match.

Please ensure you are using the Report function. We do review them and they are a very good indicator (although not usually definitive one) that action is required.


Originally posted by AvocadosAreMeh

It’s been a problem since day 1, at this point I just reflexively spam drop guns to make room. Having a troll teammate get downed and cover the bomb is mad frustrating too.

Appreciate you bringing this up. Prioritization of selection is something the team has discussed and we have made changes to this in recent updates for Rez so this is probably something that can be reviewed for diffuse as well.


Originally posted by Joeskyyy

I’ll do some research over the holidays on this device! Thanks for the information.

I hope you all have a great holiday break. 🀝

21 Dec

20 Dec

19 Dec


Radar posted an update here on removing Surrender option based on time. Now you'll only be able to surrender after a player leaves.


Hey there Rogue Company!Β 

We wanted to give you a quick update on an important change we have just made. We've had reports of players experiencing issues with the Surrender feature and want to thank those who helped us identify the issue.Β 

Our team is currently working on a fix for this which should become available with our next update.In the interim we are disabling the ability to Surrender during a match based on time lapsed.Β  You will still have the option available should someone leave the match and it will function normally.

Thanks for your patience!

External link β†’

18 Dec


We are really glad you are able to enjoy this with your son. It's important we carry on solid gaming to the next generation!


Hey guys, thanks so much for your patience on this one. Unfortunately this behavior isn't acting consistently (it's not happening all the time) so it took us some time to reproduce it. We've managed to do that and folks are now reviewing data and working on a fix.