Rogue Company

Rogue Company Dev Tracker

12 Jan

11 Jan


Hey there! We had some early issues right after the update which impacted player ownership. PM me your in game name and once I verify the purchase we'll get you situated.

10 Jan

09 Jan

08 Jan


Hey there Rogue Company!

We've been reviewing a number of reports regarding server issues and wanted to let you know the team is investigating and fixing issues as quickly as possible.

First, as some of you may have noted last weekend, the servers were not allowing players to queue correctly requiring us to disable logins temporarily on more than one occasion. At this time that issue has been resolved with some infrastructure changes and we have not seen it resurface.

Others have reported "teleporting," typically using a high rate of fire weapon. We believe we can reproduce this reliably and a fix is currently being worked on. Once tested it will implemented as soon as we can.

Finally, there have been reports of lag, stuttering, and other behavior categorized as server issues. Thank you so much for your reports and we're going to ask for your continued help by providing any of the following in this thread if you could:

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Originally posted by Rasklapanje123

PLEASE tell us until when will we be able to unlock the lv30 avatar! I'm so near but if it's next week I'll need to accelerate (I know one could assume it's in february but there isn't anything established).

Are you referring to the current Ranked? Did you unlock it and not receive it?

07 Jan


Hi there! We actually did disable Surrender unless a teammate leaves to address the issue. This was prior to the holiday break however you should see it fixed with our next update.


Originally posted by Born2beSlicker

The Year 1 pass is $25. The season 1 Battle Pass didn’t get a price established.

This is correct, the Year 1 pass will be priced at $25 USD (or appropriate conversion in your home currency). We'll have more information on Battlepass pricing in the near future!


Originally posted by Cannabiscorps

I'm running cat 8 wired. The game still stutters and jerks every where. Its not internet

We appreciate everyone who has continued to report this. We are tracking down an issue which we believe may be resulting in teleportation like behavior and a fix is in process.