Rogue Company

Rogue Company Dev Tracker

13 Oct


Originally posted by Zuccherox

Dear Scott,

We have a huge problem on the Switch with RoCo, could you please inform if you are aware of it and when you expect/intend to fix this? Underneath here I describe the problem

So this visual bug occurs randomly or should I say effect bug. It doesn't matter if you restart the game or pick rogue A or B. It pops up out of nowhere for the entirety of the game despite any 'tricks' that you might use. Yes, I restarted the game during a match, after a match but without any result.

These are not only my own experiences, but those of many other Switch users I've played with.

  • No smoke visuals/effects when jumping out of the plane (pic 1, no green overlay landing perimeter)
  • No gadget effects, unable to see explosions or to see C4/Landmines/Semtex ingame
  • Incendiary grenades only show a black spot on the ground(pic 2, I hear the flames burning but this is all I see)
  • Unable to see glass
  • Unable to see the green ...
Read more

Hey there! Thank you so much for highlighting these! We have seen reports of performance issues from some Switch players and I know at least 2 of these are being reviewed as bugs just off the top of my head (I'm sure these others might be there as well).

I'm going to take this list and run it against our bugs to ensure we have all of these listed. We want the Switch experience to be solid as we think Rogue Company is one of the best MP experiences you can have on that platform.

We'll get these resolved as soon as we can!


Originally posted by Weekly_Thought_6805

Will we see ranked any time soon 🙏🏽?



Originally posted by hawkalugy

The game is shaping up really well with Ranked for the competitive players. What do you plan to bring, or add, for the casuals? Will we be seeing more game modes, such as CTF anytime soon? Thanks!

We are continuing to look at refining both our competitive play, as well as looking at additional modes we can develop for more casual play. A number of mode ideas have been going through design, but we don't have anything specific to talk about at this time.

We are also creating some fun Limited-Time Modes for events this winter (smaller modes that break the mold in fun ways).


Originally posted by NTBees

How did you get the worlds cutest community manager?

How did you get the worlds cutest community manager?

Well, it's because Bart's a god.


Originally posted by hadams95

I posted this question separately before the AMA thread so I apologize for duplicating here:

Are there any plans to make it so that a bomb will blow up while defusing if it hits the existing timer? I've personally never played a game that allows a defuse past the predetermined bomb timer and I think it's better (especially for competitive) that the enemy team is punished even if they do kill all of the planting team.

The same question goes for allowing the bomb to be planted past the round timer if they started the plant before the round timer hits 0.

I've been told that you guys have said its not going to change in that particular thread, but I feel as if this is an anti-pattern in terms of competitive shooters and demolition game modes. So if it's not changed, I'll be playing anyways but honestly just seems like an oversight if it were to stick around once ranked gets released. Nevertheless, I love the game and thank you for the glorious work.

There are not any plans to do so - but I think the spirit of your question is 'are we open to change'?.

The answer is yes - like in many things we take community feedback into account as we evaluate features.


Originally posted by BlizzardShot

Can you make reviving a little bit easier, at the moment it quiet finicky getting getting it to work. Also when is the champions club map coming out?

Can you make reviving a little bit easier, at the moment it quiet finicky getting getting it to work. Also when is the champions club map coming out?

We're actively improving our interaction system to improve reviving and picking up weapons/gadgets.


Originally posted by Dmongi

Will Glitch be getting a buff? He is one of those rouges who doesn’t really have a place made for him yet in Competition play! I think his radius should be lager and ability be able to recharge over time!

Gl1tch is currently being reviewed by the Design team but with the removal of Sixth Sense from him in the next update, he'll receive Headstrong. We feel that's a big step in the right direction!


Originally posted by MyKidsTookTheWife

I know this is a small aspect of the game , but any idea when saint will get a more unique skin? All he has is different color sets of a jumpsuit. Would like something more unique like most other rogues have . Thank you

in time, all things


Originally posted by GeneralCate

What's the ETA on comms and textchat for pc?

I am enjoying the game immensely but its a very important part of the game for me because i play a lot solo, and it doesnt work properly.

We do not have plans today to bring back text chat. We will continue to develop the ping and quip system and bolster up VOIP


Originally posted by xeroorxfy

Are there going to be bonus rewards from the founders pack when the game is released out of beta?

We have some cool stuff coming your way if you participated in closed beta in the upcoming patch!


Originally posted by why-hello-

Once the current roadmap ends, do you plan to make another one? Or do you plan on just releasing new rogues and maps every so often like other games do?

We were huge fans of the Roadmap and letting everyone know where the team is focused and what's coming next. We really want to continue this once this current Roadmap is complete.


Originally posted by 02ofclubs

Can you tell how frequent you guys plan to release new rogues?

It's mostly TBD but our target goal is to release eight Rogues a year.


Originally posted by Vepra1

Hey RoCo team, I've been asking this since the NDA was lifted and I tried every platform multiple times. Twitter (Both Scott and RoCo), Discord, Reddit. I haven't recieved a single answer yet and I am certainly not the only one asking. Why can't switch players recordt short clips using the screenshot button? I mean it certainly would make bugs/hackers reporting a LOT easier for everyone playin on that platform.

We have not been able to get that feature functioning to our expectations. We are aware!


Originally posted by Hours-_

Will the gun store lady from the cinematic trailer be added as a new rogue possibly in the future? Random question but I’d love to see her because she does know how to work her way around a shotgun.

She definitely knows her way around a gun


Originally posted by HiRezBart

you have my vote

Can you please leave in the ragdoll physics that make the corpses fly around at high speeds? It makes me laugh every time, I love it so much.



Originally posted by Consollo

Is mouse and keyboard coming back to console?

We've seen a few requests for this and it's something the team has on the list! We need this feature to function consistently across all platforms and once that's complete, we'll release it.


Originally posted by Tnt16_

Can we expect things like Seasonal/Holiday cosmetics (for example Halloween Dima or Christmas Phantom) skin?


We will be doing a small event for Halloween this year which features a specific Limited Time Mode and an achievement that gives users a Reward for completing. In the future we will be doing more elaborate events around these holidays. :D


Originally posted by Peaceful_Society

When will we see more legendary skins or a countdown for the item store?

I would like to see a Legendary for Glitch :)

More Legendary skins are coming! The countdown on the Item Shop is a great idea that I'll pass onto the UX team. Thanks for the feedback. <3


Originally posted by Meisboss05

Are there going to be any new rogues added soon

Of course!


Originally posted by _sparQ_

Well since I'm the first here I may as well get the two most highly asked questions on this sub out of the way:

  1. Is there any time frame for when ranked will be released?

  2. Are you guys aware of/working towards a fix for the people who go AFK or leave mid match?

  3. Are new skins coming out soon because you guys are doing a FANTASTIC job on them and I will buy them all to continue to support lol.

You guys are awesome. This game is probably one of my favorite games and I can't wait to see it continue to grow. Hope you all get around to answering my questions, cheers!

Edit: Didn't see the edit for only 1 question so whoops

Ranked is one of our top development initiatives right now. We hope it'll be out in the next several patches (so this year), but that's always subject to change based on development.

Our initial rollout of Ranked is all about the fundamentals, a way to play competitively, climb a ladder, and see how high you can get. We'll have some rewards for it, but consider the first ranked season to be a Beta season, with us doing a lot of additional development in subsequent patches.

We'll have more information on Ranked in the coming weeks!