Most people are presented with the recovery questions, however it is also possible that although security questions have been set historically, they have been invalidated. There are a number of reasons why this could be, inducing recovery questions invalidated by previous recoveries, set by a hijacker and so on. Recovery answers are fairly weak information anyway, as they can be easily guessed in most cases, and people change their answers over time.
The good news is that recovery answers are useful but not a determining factor in account recovery, and you can give the answers in any order because recovery answers are reviewed by a human and we make a sensible allowance for them not necessarily being in the right order.
Similarly we can make a human interpretation judgement over text entries, so if you answer is 'Josh PS3' we would be likely to also accept 'Joshua Playstation 3'. The overriding principal is that the recovery request as a whole must appear genuine and can be linked to the owner, no recovery decision would be made solely on old security questions.
Hope that helps :)
Update for clarity: Most people will see the recovery questions if they are set, this is an unusual case and of course we don't expect people to answer questions if they don't know what they are. If you can't recall the questions at all no worries, just leave the answers blank as they have very little impact on recovery.