over 5 years ago - /u/JagexPoerkie - Direct link

Hello everyone,

The long awaited Bank Placeholders & Improvements update is about to launch!

Please use this post to include all feedback, issues, etc you find with this update. As we want to try and keep all posts in one place.


Known Issue:

  • As a result of an NXT issue some items don't display an icon (e.g. a black Pearl)

Edit 1:

We've applied hot fixes resolving the following issues:

  • Resolved an issue where F2P players who pressed 'send to bank' after a GE trade would drop the items on the floor instead of going to the bank in some occasions.
  • Clan cloak & vex can now be equipped again.
  • The sled from Troll Romance can now be equipped again in the allowed areas.

Edit 2:

Added a known issue

External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/JagexPoerkie - Direct link

Originally posted by Woerdy


It's just a dropbox we had not changed, It happens some times but we've sorted it!

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexPoerkie - Direct link

Originally posted by Zoinke

Any other patch notes for buff bar etc?

Due to the sheer size of this update, we don't have any generic patch notes.

Depending how many bugfixes we'd have to do for the bank improvements you should see a lot of them next week. Many of the jobs for this are already tested internally and ready to go.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexPoerkie - Direct link

Originally posted by TankArmour

I like the ability to summon familiars from the bank interface, but fact that it immediately closes the bank anyway defeats the purpose making it pointless.
Was this intended?

While it might not be ideal for all instances, this is intented and has to do with how summoning works in our game.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexPoerkie - Direct link

Originally posted by rsn_e_o

Same reason the bank closes when a familiar timer runs out


over 5 years ago - /u/JagexPoerkie - Direct link

Originally posted by barteke22

Issue: Bought 320 yew logs on G.E., clicked 'Collect to Bank' and now they're gone. Did it with 10 more just to be sure, happened again. So it seems 'Collect to Bank' is broken, collecting to inventory and then banking it works.

Edit for the questions below:

Had plenty of space in bank. Had no Yew Logs in bank or inventory. On F2P. Bought some, pressed 'Collect to bank', they weren't in the bank, or anywhere else that I could see. Tried again, same result. So bought again and pressed 'Collect to inventory' instead, got 320 noted logs in my inventory, and put them in the bank without issue.

Also, now that I've logged in again it appears to work fine, it's just that the ones I previously 'Sent to bank' are missing. So I don't know if it's fixed already, or just rare.


Our testing on both test and live is working just fine, can you send me your display name so we can do some more checks please? Was your bank full by any chance or were there other peculiar circumstances?

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexChaose - Direct link

Originally posted by bob_the_clueless

Should quest items appear in the clean up? Think they did on Shauny's last stream, but I'm not getting any.

On the Clean Up filter you'll see a section "May's Quest Caravan: Quest Items" for quest items.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexChaose - Direct link

Originally posted by Bwuhbwuh

Is there a way to send them straight to the Quest Caravan from your bank?

Just by destroying them individually by dragging from the bank.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexChaose - Direct link

Originally posted by bob_the_clueless

So if I select "Clean Up" on the filter, all I'm getting are:

- Diango: Holiday Items

- Diango: Skill Outfits and Equipment

- Diango: Other

As I say, there's no section for the quest items for me :/

If a section doesn't show up then you have no itens that fall into that category

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexChaose - Direct link

Originally posted by bob_the_clueless

So for example, should Glarial's amulet not cause this section to show?

It's one of many quest items I have...another would be Fake beak from Eagles' Peak

Glarial's amulet is definitely one of those on the Caravan clean up list, so it ought to show with that. May be a silly question but have you scrolled it out of view?

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexPoerkie - Direct link

Originally posted by Underflow93

Idk if it's directly due to the bank update, but entering a price on an item in G.E. does not display the same keyboard for me on mobile. I used to be able to enter 'k' or 'm', now I can only enter numbers. Huawei p20 pro running android 9.

we'll take a look at it, I'm not sure if today's update has touched it.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexPoerkie - Direct link

Originally posted by D-J-9595

u/JagexPoerkie see Edits 2 and 3, this seems like an important bug to fix quickly.

Thanks for the additional information, we'll take another look, if you could DM me your display name that would be appreciated too.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexPoerkie - Direct link

Originally posted by SouetoReborn

Is it safe to login? No major, bank breaking bugs?

Yes it is, give it a go!

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexJD - Direct link

Originally posted by DeguRS

Shauny cleaning his bank on Stream please.

We will try to make this a thing post-RuneFest. Love this idea.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexPoerkie - Direct link

Originally posted by LostSomewhereNeat

Running on Android mobile, I'm experiencing an odd bug where if i try to move an item to insert it between items in the bank, sometimes it'll insert the item in a completely random place in my bank.
For example, I was sorting charms in my 4th tab, but when i tried to insert green charms in the middle, it sent them to the middle of the infinity tab.
Reproduced this with multiple items trying to sort items. Worried the items straight up dissapeared, but luckily just ended up going where I didn't intend.

Can you please report a bug for this, this way we'll be able to take a look at your specific situation hopefully. We've not had other reports of this so far.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexPoerkie - Direct link

Originally posted by charleyboy22

Emptying Gem bag in bank will not show the gems. Closing/Reopening the bank will show them.

Hey there, this is a known issue, thanks for letting us know however.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexPoerkie - Direct link

Originally posted by WateronRocks

Mobile crashes after being tabbed out for more than 20 seconds.

Happens every single time

Didn't ever happen before the update

Thanks for letting know, we're taking a look into this.