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7 months ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Just to make sure you've seen it, we provided an update a couple weeks ago on this: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=13/runefest-2024-more-tickets-available-may-15th

In terms of further news since then, all I can say is we are working very hard to provide more clarity on this whole situation as soon as we possibly can for you. Please do bear with us a little longer, we're doing everything we can on this.

7 months ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by CarlosFlegg

With all due respect, and I am not aiming this at you personally or trying to start a witch hunt, but an "update" full of half truths and vague corporate deflection, that basically boils down to "We won't tell you anything yet" is not really a satisfactory update.

"We were saddened to learn that some of the team we were working with to deliver RuneFest are no longer with the company." It was already public knowledge that it was not just "some" redundancy, and that in fact the company was collapsing before this news post was made, this is a purposefully vague and disingenuous statement that is worded specifically for damage control, not honesty and transparency.

And while the news post promises every opportunity is being explored, there is absolutely zero context into what these opportunities are, this sentence could be talking about new venues and staffing and other avenues to ensure the event occurs, or it could be talking about how Jagex will handle the cancellation of the event and any subsequent returning of peoples funds. Without context, without honesty and transparency, it means nothing.

I completely understand this catastrophic failure is not Jagex's fault. Jagex are also a very unfortunate victim in this scenario, but it was ultimately Jagex's decision to partner with this company, while it will undoubtedly cause Jagex issues, those issues should not be being passed onto the 2000+ customers that are also directly affected.

Ultimately there are only two reasons for a lack of communication and transparency here, to protect shareholder investments from market fluctuations due to negative press, and so that Jagex can hold onto whatever revenue was collected as long as possible.

Your customers are not stupid, they know full well that "we will have more information for you as soon as possible" and "we are doing everything we can for you" actually means "although we have information we could share, we are instead going to be controlling the flow of information for damage mitigation" and "we are doing everything we can to minimise our losses".

I am highly confident that internally a number of decisions have already been made, and whether those decisions involve date and venue changes, or a complete cancellation, Jagex needs to make people aware, like now.

People have invested thousands into this event, it isn't just about ticket prices, there are flights, accommodation, time off work, your fans have already invested time, effort and money into this, and even if the event goes forward but at a different time or place, we are rapidly approaching a time where even people with tickets will simply not have enough notice to change those plans or investments and will not be able to attend anyway.

I hear you, and I can tell you everyone here absolutely understands your frustration. We know we're on the clock and clarity is critical given all the other commitments that attending the event comes with.

Not a single bit of what's going on behind the scenes is about damage control and I'm totally willing to stand by those words publicly. The RuneFest team have been working insanely hard on a very tight schedule to get across this situation, exploring every possible avenue and option to adapt to what has happened, all for the sake of attendees.

The reality is that it's been three weeks for us to get across a sudden, completely unknown situation with our core event partner and explore options. We will have definitive answers to share very soon, and the second we have them, we'll be communicating a clear plan for our attendees.

Bear with us just a little longer so we can provide the clarity you're looking for from us.

7 months ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by JikkirWolf

We all want RuneFest to go ahead in some form, but there is presumably a cutoff date you're using internally as the "If we can't get confirmation by this date, we'll call it off"? (if that ends up being the case)

We appreciate attempting to make it happen, but there comes a point as OP mentioned where we need to start cancelling travel plans, hotels and for some, flights to ensure we get our money back - so having an idea on when the latest we can expect either positive of negative news would be much appreciated and allow us to determine when and if we should be cancelling for refunds..

Absolutely, the RuneFest team is super conscious of the fact this is not just uncertainty for event attendees, this is also uncertainty of a lot of commitments you've made around the event - travel, accommodation, time off work etc. Time is of the essence and they're acutely aware.

I can't speak for the RuneFest Core Team in terms of any hard deadline. I can say that it's been three weeks since our original May 14 ticket delay, and the team have no intention to keep you waiting another three. A lot of work is being done in a very short space of time, and as soon as we have clarity on our plans, we'll be communicating to you.

Thank you for wanting to be with us at RuneFest, and for your very fair question. We won't keep you waiting a second longer than we have to.