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Hi, I'm doing the path Burthope, called "Smith Melee Armour" and the step is called "Some Body to Love"

It ask me to heat and smith a bronze platebody/chainbody at a forge and anvil, the ones at Burthope, to be more precise (I have iron armor, I'm just doing it to finish the path because it bother me to see it)
It shows me the forge, so I select bronze platebody there, then the anvil, but once my platebody iss finished, it shows me the forge again, so I did chainbody, which shows me then the anvil, but agan once finished, shows me the forge, I went and did the complete bronze armour things, included the two helmets, legs and shields, but it still show me the forge. I even tried to equip the full bronze set.

Did someone ran into that issue please? And know how to fix it and finally complete it?

Also sorry for my english, it's not my main language, thank you in advance for any help or pointers


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over 3 years ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Hi, been wanting to get back to this, but needed to first address some other issues that popped up on social overnight.

Is your RSN (the account name you use to log in to RuneScape) lordrakard? Or something else?

There's an account by that name in our systems, so I'll try reproing with that first, but I'm not sure if it's you.

EDIT: Nope, the RSN called lordrakard doesn't appear to be anything like the account in your screenshot.

I tried recreating a scenario similar to what you've described and shown in your screenshot (resetsave and played through Burthorpe paths with iron armour equipped (and consequently 10 Defence) until Some Body to Love), but was able to complete the Smith Melee Armour path successfully. So doesn't look like wearing iron armour is the outlier.

I think this is going to have to follow standard process and come to development as a JIRA created by QA when they process your bug report, so that a dev can get access to your specific account setup and reproduce your state, to determine what's causing your issue. I'll keep an eye out for it.

I'm not sure if it'll help your OCD or make it worse, but one option is to toggle the Burthorpe paths to complete. Looks like this toggle also completes the optional secondary paths like Smith Melee Armour:

Open your Settings parent menu

* Desktop: press Esc or the cog on your ribbon, and then the Settings button

* Mobile: press the Home button in the top left, and then the Settings button

Then on the Settings parent menu:

* Gameplay tab

* Interfaces -> Information Windows -> untick "Guidance system hints"


Then if you complete the To Lumbridge! path, that'll complete the critical steps of Turael's paths for a nice sense of closure. :)

over 3 years ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by Lordrakard

Hi, thank you for your reply u/Jagex_Stu ! My in game name is "Jin Haise"

Well, the weird part is that I in fact already did To Lumbridge path, but the catacomb path never triggered for me, even with guidance on (I turned it off to not see the bugged path anymore)

Let me tell you the paths I did, I want to note that I didn't do much in the game after turning guidance off, beside doing one quest and one caper from thief guild, and crafting urns and other armour, so it shouldn't have impacted any of the following paths, also, turning it off didn't helped me, beside just fake completing buthorpe path, but it still don't make me trigger the catacomb path for example:

- In "Novice Explorer" I finished everything in game, but according to the wiki, there's some step that never showed to me, like the loyalty thing, and the fire steel arrow, enchanting or confusion spell.

- In "Archeoly Expert" I finished up to "Breaking the Seal".

- In "Dungeoneering" I've completed everything

- In "Construction" I did everything

- In "Bossing" I obviously didn't do anything yet haha, but it's the only that show among the broken Some Body To love/Smith Melee Armour path when guidance is on.

- "Tutorial Island" fully completed as well.

- "Call to Adventure" fully completed.

- "Fishing and Cooking" fully completed.

- "Mining and Smithing" finished.

- "Smith Melee armour" well, bugged sadly, so can't continue

- "Way of The Warrior" never triggered due to Smith Melee armour still in effect.

- "Fletching Arrows" never triggered even if I already crafted fully completed bronze arrows already

- "Troll Patrol" never triggered

- "Bow and Arrow", "Way of the Ranger", "There's no shaman trying", "Weave your magic" and "Way of the wizard" NEVER triggered

- "To Lumbridge" completed, which is weird because apparently it trigger only after way of the wizard.

- "Banking" done, "Wealth" unsure, I don't remember doing it, nor seeing it, "Prayer" done, "Summoning" done, "Herblore" done, "Farming" done, "Leather Crafting" done, "No wear to hide" done

- "Work your magic" Never triggered

- "Agility" done

- "Hunter" I would say yes, completed, but I'm not sure

- "Daily Challenge" completed

- Everything in "Taverley" done, as mentionned above

- In "Lumbridge" book/path, I did everything but "Lumbridge Catacombs", because it somehow never triggered for me, never saw it, I got all the other paths in Lumbrdige and did them.

So yes, from the look of it, my paths on my account seems to be huge bug/mess, I hope we can get all of that sorted out, I wish I could do ALL the paths available.Thank you again for your help, can't wait to know more about the situation!

Hi there. Following up with you about the issue you raised.

Thanks so much for taking the time to write out all your path details above. I was able to copy your exact state thanks to knowing your account name, and recreate the precise circumstances.

It helped me track down and refactor a broader issue with access to optional Burthorpe paths after completing the path to Lumbridge. Seems to resolve your corner case and it's with QA for testing this week.

In the meantime, looks like you've turned off guidance system hints and that's completed this problematic path for you.

Also, we removed the Lumbridge path book in this week's patch notes, so nothing unusual about your account there. :)

over 3 years ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by SerRikari

I am currently having this same problem.

This sprint we completed testing of a fix I implemented for this.

I'm happy to report the release team yesterday copied it into the next build. The fix might release on Monday if it passes release candidate testing.

I hope the above workaround provides a temporary solution to you in the meantime. :)