Our JMods take you on a first expedition into the depths of Orthen - the capital city of the dragonkin - and new Archaeology dig site!
📽️ Let's Play Orthen:
@Legend_Arts @JagexJack @JagexRaven @JagexOrion @JagexRamen @JagexJD @JagexPoerkie @DrAzzanadra Oh, this is so beautiful! 🤩
The lost city of Orthen is open for explorers!
In this full guide, Master archaeologist @ProtoxxGaming takes you on a tour of Orthen – RuneScape's newest Archaeology Dig Site – and reveals all its secrets.
Unleash the power of dragonkin tech with the Stasis Armour, available at Tier 50 of the Kerapac Track.
You still have until November 2nd to complete your tasks – and if you’ve already reached Tier 50, it’s just two Bonds to unlock EVERYTHING!
@CooksAssistant: Hey guys.
I've got another delicious drink for you today, straight out of RuneScape's c*cktail Guide - the Blurberry S…
@TheBookOfRS @B3GG4R 👀
@TheBookOfRS: RuneScape lore is rich, immersive, and... a little difficult to follow. Until now.
The Pre-First Age (#1):
Have you explored the dragonkin city of Orthen yet? If you’ve got at least 90 Archaeology, you can dig in whenever you want!
⛏️ Have a word with Mr Mordaut at the Anachronia Base Camp to get started!
🔴 LIVE NOW - Mod Stu's Stutorial:
Our tenacious time-travelling tutorial team is reminiscing on the creation of one of RuneScape’s most iconic tutorials. Today, they're taking a trip to Troll Warzone!
Don’t miss out!
⭐️ Dig into Double XP LIVE from November 6th to November 16th and get Double XP in Archaeology for the first time ever!
Who else will be using their 48 hours of Double XP to explore Orthen?
@LovelySoftSnow You'll find all the details in the @RSWiki:
Here’s a closer look at one of the biggest rewards in Orthen: the Artificer’s Measure!
This nifty off-hand skilling item will help you out while training Crafting and Construction.
⛏️ Want one of your own? Then head to Orthen and get digging!
#RSHotfix: Tears of Guthix and Guthixian butterflies now award XP in Archaeology successfully.
Sliske / World Guardian team up anyone?
🎨 @enkoro_art
The Archaeology Embargo on bonus XP has now lifted!
As of right now, you can start using all kinds of XP buffs to get ahead in Archaeology - including Bonus XP, Vic the Trader, lamps, and everything else you can imagine!
@YourMuthr @JagexKari @JagexOrion They do, and will be available on Steam later :)
Join us now for some Archaeology skilling on Anachronia!
⛏️Crypt of Varanus - Orthen 🗺️ World 25
🔴 LIVE NOW - Orthen Let's Play & Halloween First Look:
Orthen has been released! We'll be answering your questions and giving you an introduction to RuneScape's newest digsite - and a cheeky first-look at this year's Halloween event!
#RSHotfix: The Moksha device clickbox will no longer reappear when completing a puzzle in the Fragmented Memories mystery.
#RSHotfix: The "Roar of Osseous" buff will no longer be lost when logging out/in inside the Orthen dig sites.